Thursday, March 15, 2007

today i was working on my final music composition when i had an idea of what pictures i could put with it. this idea struck me whilst listening to the music i had already composed. this shows that music is inspirational. this also shows that i am definatly a musical learner because music gives me ideas

Thursday, February 22, 2007

this is a photo i created at home,, this is a product of the knowledge i have gathered whilst doing the arts award,, hopefully i will be able to show more of the work i can now create...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The person who inspires me the most of all the people in the world (other than my mum) is Stephen king. He wrote loads and loads of different novels. A lot of which where turned into movies or TV series'. One of my favorite novels is stand by me. this is really inspiring as it makes you think about life and how different people have been treated and how people are bullied into doing what they think is wrong. to follow will be some background information about how stephen king grew up and how he was treated and what his life was like.

stephen king was born on 21st september 1947 he was born maine general hospital in portland. he was the natural born child in the family his older brother had been adopted at birth. stephen started his writing career in 1959. he started offworking with his brother to produce a local paper called "daves rags" (dave being his older brother.) stephen went to lisbon highschool in maine. here he and a freind got together to start writing books he and his freind chris published 18 short stories, some of which were : "people, place and things -- volume 1" they also published "hotel at the end of the road." these are just 2 of the 18 they published.
stephen made his first actual published appearance in 1965 in the magazine Comics Review with "I Was a Teenage Grave Robber."
In January 1973 stephen submitted "Carrie" to Doubleday. In March Doubleday bought the book. On May 12 the publisher sold the paperback rights for the novel to New American Library for $400,000. stephen's contract called for him getting half of that sum, and he quit his teaching job to pursue writing full time.
Since then, King has had numerous short stories and novels published and movies made from his work. He has been called the "Master of Horror".

Thursday, January 18, 2007

today is great i am having a good day and having loads of fun... over the weekend i have been thinking about all of the stuff we have done over the time of the course and i thought about how much i have learned.

i feel like i have learned a lot. i feel like i have learned how to properly frame a photograph and how to get the angles i like on a particular subject. i have also learned how to construct a panarama from several of my chosen pictures. i also feel i have learned to use garage band to compose my own music and express myself and how i feel.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

this is the photomerge i created. it contains mark, one of his freinds, mr hawley, shez, annoe and rob. not a single one of me though :( . dont you think it is a cool peice of art work :P . i think i will create many more of these photomerges for example me standing on my hand ... that should be cool

Thursday, November 23, 2006

today i have had trouble connecting to the internet but i got there eventually... thankfully. well anyway we today are going to be using photoshop elements to minipulate images , we will be cutting and pasting subjects from one piccy to another. it sounds like gr8 fun... and my girlfriend comes back next week :P hooray. i really have missed her for the last 2 weeks...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

today i have edited my blog
we are working on our blogs, and we are going to use it to record all the activities we do.
for example so far we have learned how to work and use a digital camera. we have also done a sesion on learning how to frame our subject appropriately.
i took some realy cool images of mr hawley, annie and shez.
i like three deinite pictures. one has mr hawley looking up at me, another has annie and shez posing. and the final is a picture of... the sun? i like this photo because it is framed perfectly and it just looks cool. the picture is attached to the blog
well today i have had gr8 fun but i miss my girlfriend... she is in tenereffe :(